At West Plains we are very proud of our active group of United Church women who meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm. Their activities include special speakers, sharing worship, pot luck lunches and many fund raising and church community activities. Many also take part in outreach activities, contributing to the Mission and Service fund and many other projects during the year, and preparing dinner for Wesley Urban Ministries once a year.
West Plains is famous for the fabulous Meat Pies that are made regularly during the year and are for sale at our Yuletide bazaar in November and the Rummage/Garage Sale in the spring.
All interested women are welcome to join us!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a way to reach out with love and caring to others in our Community. The shawls are given for comfort during illness or grief, as well as for times of joy and celebration. Over the past nine months we have distributed 40 shawls for a variety of occasions and we are still knitting. We meet every second Wednesday afternoon at 2:00PM in the parlour and welcome all knitters or would be knitters.